@article{oai:unii.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000972, author = {神谷, 睦代 and Kamiya, Mutsuyo}, journal = {人間生活学研究, The Bulletin of Society for Human Life Studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿では、4・5歳児の再現的描画(観察画)表現における保育者のかかわりについて、活動時の保育者の発話と行為を手がかりに具体的様相を導き出し考察を行った。その結果、「表現前(導入)・表現・表現後」という一連の流れの中で、【活動内容の提示】【用具や材料に関すること】【表現を豊かにする手立て】【子どもの表現への関心や興味を示す】【配慮が必要な子への対応】【個々の表現を皆で共有し認め合う】【子どもの表現の受容と理解】【活動の振り返りの呼びかけ】【片づけの指示】についてのかかわりが挙げられた。また、それぞれのかかわりの背景には、“表現活動の内容や方法をわかり易く伝える”“子どもが主体的に活動に臨めるようにする”“一人ひとりの活動状況に合わせて対応を行う”“子どものつまずきを子どもの気づきによって修正する”“子どもの表現・意欲・態度に共感し認める”“片づけをしっかり行えるようにする”“刺激を与えてより豊かな表現が生まれるようにする”“完成した作品を保育者と子どもで共有する”等の意図があることが窺われた。さらに一斉・グループ活動に共通して、保育者は子ども一人ひとりの活動状況に合わせて、臨機応変なかかわりを持っていることが明らかになった。 同時に、観察画特有の指導としては、実物をよく見ることを通して「色や形」に気づかせる保育者の発話や行為が多く見られ、描く対象のイメージを明確化するようなかかわりが示された。, In this paper, I derived a specific aspect based on the speech and actions of kindergarten teachers during drawing activities, and then examined the involvement teachers had 4 and 5 year old children's expressions through reproducible drawings (observational drawings). The results showed a relation ship with the following factors throughout the process"before the expression (the introduction), the expression and after the expression": [Presentation of the activity's content], [Things related to tools and materials], [Means to enrich ezpression],[Showing interest and attention in the children's expression],[Responding to children who need consideration],[Sharing each child's expression with others and appreciating it],[Accepting and understanding the children's expressions][Promoting then to reconsider their activities]and[Instructions for cleaning up]. Furthermore, I found that in the background of each action, there were the following intentions: "Explaining the details and methods for expressing activities in an easy-to-understand manner", "Promoting children to be active", "Responding to each child in accordance with their personal situation", "Working on the children's weakpoints through thier awareness", "Empathizing with their expressions, motivation and attitude", "Ensuring that children can clean up afterwards", "Providing stimulus to enrich child's expression", "Sharing completed work with other children and their teachers". In addition, it was revealed that kindergarten teachers flexibly responded in accordance with the individual's situation both during mass activities and group activities. At the same time, as guidance specific to the observational drawings, it was shown that kindergarten teachers actively talked and took actions to promote children's awareness of "colors adn shapes" through the observation of real objects, and they were involved in clarifying the aspect of the objects that children were going to draw.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {4歳児・5歳児の観察画における保育者のかかわり : 発話と行為を手がかりに}, volume = {10}, year = {2019}, yomi = {カミヤ, ムツヨ} }