@article{oai:unii.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000954, author = {茅野, 潤一郎 and Chino, Junichuro and 占部, 昌蔵 and Urabe, Shozo}, journal = {国際地域研究論集, JISRD : Journal of International Studies and Regional Development}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, The role of impromptu speaking activities has gained increased attention from teachers and researchers in the field of English language teaching in Japan. This study examines the degree to which textbooks for secondary schools (JHS and SHS) in Japan facilitate impromptu spoken interaction (SI). SI activities in 39 textbooks were analyzed using a hypothetical model. The results indicated that (1) higher-grade textbooks offered fewer SI activities, and (2) the number of non-impromptu SI activities decreased, whereas the number of impromptu activities did not show a significant increase. The study concludes that these textbooks do not provide sufficient opportunity to students to speak without preparation. Accordingly, teachers must focus on modifying the activities in the textbook they use or on developing their own impromptu SI activities.}, pages = {35--46}, title = {Do authorized secondary school English textbook activities promote genuine impromptu interactions?}, volume = {10}, year = {2019}, yomi = {チノ, ジュンイチロウ and ウラベ, ショウゾウ} }