@article{oai:unii.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000040, author = {梅田, 優子 and 伊與部, ベサニー and Umeda, Yuko and Iyobe, Bethany}, journal = {人間生活学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Journal Article, 保育者が子どもの言葉の力の育ちについてどのようにとらえ、またどのような援助を意図しているのかを明らかにすることを目的として、半構造化面接調査を行った。その調査内容のうち、3 〜5 歳児期の子どもの年齢によって、保育者が言葉の力の育ちとして期待していることに違いはあるか、あるとすればどのような育ちか、また、子どもの言葉の力の育ちを促す活動や援助等をどのようにとらえているかについて分析・考察を行った。その結果、保育者は子どもの言葉の力の育ちについて、年齢なりの期待をもっていることが明らかになった。3歳児では、思いや気持ちが言葉として表現されること、それを保育者に伝えようとする姿を期待していた。4 歳児では、自分の思いを言葉で伝えると同時に、相手の話を聞けることで、子ども同士のコミュニケーションが成立していくことを期待していた。また、したいことだけではなく、なぜそうしたいのか等理由を話すようになってほしいとの期待もあった。5 歳児では、子ども同士が自分たちで話し合いを進めていくこと、さらに話し合いで解決したり、一つの結論をだして行動に移していったりすることも期待していた。子どもの言葉の力の育ちを意識して設定する活動や援助については多岐にわたることが明らかになった。主なものとしては、遊びや生活全体の中で子どものコミュニケーション行動の援助を逃さずにおこなうこと、グループ活動等で話し合う場面を設けること、クラス全体の前で自分の思いを発表する場面を設けることなどであった。他にも言葉を使用する表現活動や、絵本の読み聞かせや言葉遊び等の活動が挙げられていた。また、保育者の言葉の使い方に気をつけるとの援助も挙げられていた。, This research aims to explore Japanese early childhood care and educational professionals’ views on children’s development of verbal communication skills. The data from a series of semi-structured interviews conducted with professionals teaching 3- to 5-year olds was analyzed to highlight what expectations early childhood care and educational professionals hold for various age groups regarding verbal communication skills along with what methodologies are employed for supporting development of such skills. The participants in this study tended to have similar expectations for specific age groups of children regarding the development of verbal communications skills. In terms of three-year-olds, they hoped children would become able to express their feelings and thoughts in words and show a willingness to convey these to the teacher. For four-year-olds, there was an expectation that children would develop the ability to use verbal communication amongst themselves to both express their thoughts to others and understand the ideas of their peers in the context of play and classroom interaction. Furthermore, it was hoped that four-year-olds would begin to use words to express the reasons behind their ideas and requests. Concerning five-year-olds, it was hoped that the children would be able to discuss amongst themselves, without the intervention of a teacher, to the point of reaching a conclusion or a joint decisions regarding how to proceed in play or an activity. When asked to describe in what way the professionals supported the development of verbal communication skills in their classrooms, the participants of this study showed a tendency to focus on the development of such skills during free play or regular daily activities. In these instances the importance of intervention or guidance during times of communication breakdown emerged as a shared belief. In addition, a broad range of activities through which verbal communications skills could be enhanced also emerged. The participants referred to the creation of group activities requiring a discussion component, as well as presentation opportunities for children to express their ideas to the class as a whole. Furthermore, activities such as word play and the reading of picture books were also mentioned. Finally, there was some emphasis placed on the importance of teachers being aware of their own language use during regular activities.}, pages = {13--26}, title = {言葉の力の育ちに関する保育者の意識について(2) : 各年齢への期待・活動及び援助}, volume = {6}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ウメダ, ユウコ and イヨベ, ベサニー} }