@article{oai:unii.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000029, author = {梅田, 優子 and 伊與部, ベサニー and Umeda, Yuko and Iyobe, Bethany}, journal = {人間生活学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, Journal Article, 保育者が子どもの言葉の力の育ちについてどのようにとらえ、またどのような援助を意図しているのかを明らかにすることを目的として、半構造化面接調査を行った。その調査内容のうち、言葉の力の育ちが、現在の園生活や未来の生活にどのような影響を及ぼすと保育者がとらえているかについて分析・考察を行った。その結果、園生活で言葉の力がある子どもは、コミュニケーションが成立しやすく、様々な人と関わり、その中で興味・関心の幅、体験が広がると捉えていることがみえてきた。また、子どもたち同士の中で、リーダー的な役割をとる体験を重ねていることや、遊びの中心になることで、遊びの満足度が高いのではないかと捉えている傾向がみられた。さらに、やりたいことや自分のアイデアが言葉で表現されることで、保育者の援助がなされやすくなり、その子ども自身がやりたかった遊びができたり、アイデアが形になっていく体験がなされやすいと捉えている保育者もみられた。未来の生活への影響として、保育者は話せた方が社会に出たときにコミュニケーションがとれる、学校生活への適応において大切な力となるとの捉えをしていたが、全体としては漠然とした内容となっていた。, A semi-structured, interview style survey was conducted to explore how early childhood education professionals and daycare teachers approach the development of verbal communication skills of the children in their care, and what, if any, activities they consciously employ to that end. This paper summarizes a component of the data that illustrates what effects these professionals and providers consider verbal communications skills to have on children’s experiences at daycare and in their future lives. The respondents believe that children with developed verbal communication skills can easily manage their interactions and interact with a variety of people, which in turn allows them access to a wide range of feelings and experiences. Furthermore, the respondents sensed that children with high verbal communication abilities tended to take on leadership roles during play and other children gravitated towards them. The respondents said that this led to seemingly high levels of satisfaction in the communicative children. The respondents sensed this might be due to the connection between children’s abilities to express their needs and ideas clearly, thereby making it easier for teachers and caregivers to respond to their needs, more cooperation from peers in accepting their ideas in play, and in general having their ideas come to fruition. In addition, respondents said that, in general, verbal communication skills were important for children’s future lives in education and society at large. However, the responses in this section varied widely with examples from respondents’ personal lives and experiences rather than those of the children in their care. The results of this survey indicate that there is possibly yet work to be done to ensure an appropriate process in the development of verbal communication skills from early childhood education through to the elementary schools}, pages = {1--10}, title = {言葉の力の育ちに関する保育者の意識について(3) : 各年齢への期待・活動及び援助}, volume = {7}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ウメダ, ユウコ and イヨベ, ベサニー} }